
Tom's Spicy Jam Recipe

My friend Tom from Bristol, England was kind enough to share his Chili Jam recipe.
I thought it would be the perfect time of year to share it again with you all, as it makes a LOVELY present.
You can use it with roasted meats, or with a lovely cheddar cheese and glass of beer or wine for a holiday party..
Like an elegant preserve or chutney, you will be thrilled to give these away or serve them for friends and family!

*Use the conversion chart on the right of the web site for the measurements if you need to.

Use 2lb "Kilner" Style Jars


2 x 400g tin chopped organic tomatoes
6-8 bird eye chillies (strong)
4 garlic cloves peeled
7cm piece fresh ginger peeled chopped (feel free to use more)
1.5 tbsp light soy sauce
120ml red wine vinegar
375g soft light brown sugar  (must be soft)
12-20 cardamom pods - split them, remove the seeds and discard the husks. Crush the seeds
70g raisins

*Put 1 can of tomatoes, chili, garlic, ginger and soy sauce in food processor, blend till smooth.
*Place tomato mix in a big, very thick, non stick pan over medium heat and add vinegar, sugar, cardamom and raisins.
*Bring to boil and add last can chopped toms.
*Turn down heat and simmer for 45-55 mins. Or until thickened to a chutney surprisingly!
(Should keep indefinitely.)
*Warm the jars (very clean) and then add the jam hot, with a jam funnel, putting the lids on before it gets the chance to cool - this is what keeps it sterile.

"Bear in mind, nothing gives burns as nasty as hot jam does, and when you stir the bottom of the pan, it will all bubble up, so be careful. I invested in a splatter guard (like a flat sieve) to cover the top of my pan, otherwise you spend a day scrubbing jam off all the surfaces in your kitchen. But trust me, it's worth it!!"


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Serving sizes and this sight.....

As many of you have come to realize, I am usually making huge amounts of food and alot of times for more than just my family. However, I would be horrified to think that someone who was living alone, or with only a couple people in their home would feel discouraged about this..
Simply use division for most of these recipes if they are too big. With the exception of baking, which requires a fair amount of science, these recipes can be adjusted and modified with ease! And if you feel stuck, either leave me a comment or email me and I will try to respond to you as soon as I can.
Thanks fellow foodies, hope you eat something yummy today and enjoy the fact that you didn't spend lots of money at a high end restaurant!

Enjoy! I love to hear from you all!

Rebecca Turrigiano


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