
Easy peesy egg cups

I stumbled across a FANTASTIC idea for breakfast... especially when you have lots of guests and wrapping paper is flying and tummies are rumbling!!!

If you want to have this with a nice piece of crusty bread, it works... with a lovely hash brown potato and bacon... fresh works....hurray!!!!!
Experiment with all your own thoughts and ideas.. life is FULL of possibilities!

Happy Holidays!!!!

I made this after thanksgiving and re-purposed the mashed potato to become "hash browns" and enjoyed left over corn pudding!


1 cup cake tin (Serves 12)
 Eggs ( usually 2 per person....)
Ham/Bologna/Turkey/ Lox...... 1 slice per cup cake cup
Shredded cheese of ANY kind
butter to lightly coat the cupcake tin


* Turn oven on to 350
* Lightly butter tin cups
* Place 1 piece if said meat in cupcake tin
*Break egg into the tin on top of the meat
* Add a sprinkle of cheese, salt and pepper
* Bake for 15 minutes

Serve with a variety things! Potatoes, Fruit, Hash browns, toast!!!! Add Salsa, Hot Sauce, Holindaise......

1 comment:

Katerina said...

This is a great idea for breakfast, especially now that holidays are ahead and everyone will be at home asking for something fulfilling to have in the morning.

Serving sizes and this sight.....

As many of you have come to realize, I am usually making huge amounts of food and alot of times for more than just my family. However, I would be horrified to think that someone who was living alone, or with only a couple people in their home would feel discouraged about this..
Simply use division for most of these recipes if they are too big. With the exception of baking, which requires a fair amount of science, these recipes can be adjusted and modified with ease! And if you feel stuck, either leave me a comment or email me and I will try to respond to you as soon as I can.
Thanks fellow foodies, hope you eat something yummy today and enjoy the fact that you didn't spend lots of money at a high end restaurant!

Enjoy! I love to hear from you all!

Rebecca Turrigiano


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